Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and Language Therapists in MSA can support young people to communicate their thoughts and needs in a meaningful way, participate in a range of activities, develop friendships and be able to self advocate.
Interventions and outcomes are identified with the young person and their families and informed by assessment.
Areas addressed include:
- Awareness of self and others
- Social thinking
- Listening
- Telling a narrative
- Vocabulary
- Interacting with peers
- Friendships and relationships
- Self advocacy
How the people around us communicate is important for successful interaction, participation and relationships, and also for developing our communication skills. Speech and language therapists can also support other people to adapt their communication with the young people we work with.
Speech and Language Therapy intervention can include.
- Direct sessions either individually or in groups
- Indirect support via other MSA staff
- Coaching and modelling of strategies and support for family and professionals
- Training and advice to family and professionals